Background Checks

Pre-employment screenings are becoming more common for the purpose of helping employers protect from theft, on-the-job injuries and compliance oversight. Effectively manage your organization’s risks while protecting its good standing reputation.

Our comprehensive line of professional background checks and drug testing & screening services offer and seamless, streamlined process by supporting a sound hiring process. 

  • National criminal search
  • Multi-state sex and violent offenders search
  • County criminal history
  • Motor vehicle records
  • Employment credit records
  • Social Security verification and address tracker
  • Healthcare industry search
  • Tenant screening
  • Volunteer screening

The Payroll Vault Value

Having all the information on prospective employees before you hire will allow for better and more informed recruiting decisions. With a speedy turnaround time on results, you won’t lose applicants due to a lengthy hiring process.   

  • Reduce
    • Turnover
    • Risk of fraud
    • Criminal activity
    • Poor work ethic
  • Increase
    • Workplace safety
    • Job competence
    • Honesty and integrity

Fact Check. Did you know?

  • 85% of resumes and applications contain false information
  • 30% of business failures are caused by employee theft or embezzlement
  • 18% of violent crimes occur in the workplace

Contact our local Payroll Vault office in Venice, Florida to learn more about our background checks and drug screening services designed for your small business.


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