Pay-as-you-go Workers’ Comp

Improve Cash Flow and Reduce Risk

Pay-as-you-go Workers’ Compensation allows you to pay insurance premiums based on actual versus estimated payroll so you can avoid large annual or semi-annual payments. This service is designed to improve your cash flow throughout the year and reduce audit exposure. 

The Payroll Vault Value

The pay-as-you-go service integrates with your payroll to offer and seamless, streamlined process.

  • Improve cash flow
  • Removes
    • Surprises such as year-end audit adjustments and late fees
    • File transmission fees and check writing
    • Monthly or quarterly audit reports
  • Increases the accuracy of your financials
  • Easy access to reports

Small businesses commonly have unique needs and by understanding your cash planning and management goals throughout the year allows us to identify the best possible resource for workers’ comp for your company.

  • Competitive insurance rates
  • Responsive service from workers’ comp experts
  • 24-hour claim reporting service

Schedule a Payroll Check Up